Corporate Connect
Nath School of Business & Technology is committed to fostering strong corporate connections that bridge the gap between academia and industry. We place high emphasis on creating valuable partnerships with leading corporations, thereby providing students with real-world insights and opportunities. Through strategic collaborations, industry seminars, and internship programs, we aim to equip our students with practical skills and a comprehensive understanding of the current business landscape. These corporate connections not only enhance the academic experience but also contribute to the students' professional development, ensuring they are well-prepared for the challenges of the corporate world upon graduation.
As an institution committed to fostering practical skills and real-world experience, we take great pride in facilitating valuable internship opportunities that bridge the gap between academia and industry. Here, you'll find a curated list of companies representing diverse sectors, each providing a dynamic environment for our students to apply their knowledge, gain hands-on experience, and contribute meaningfully to their respective fields. Join us in celebrating the success stories and transformative experiences as our students embark on their internship adventures.