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Bachelor of Computer Application
(Cloud Technology & Information Security)

Programme Structure (2024-2027)

Semester I
  • Discrete Mathematics

  • Introduction to Digital Ecosystem

  • Open Elective-I

  • Open Elective-II

  • Office Suite

  • Logical Thinking

  • CCA-I (Cultural Activities)

  • Environmental Studies

  • Indian Insights in Managing Self

  • Language-I-Marathi

Semester II
  • Programming with C

  • Programming with C Lab

  • Statistics

  • Minor 1 (Basics of Finance)

  • .Net Technology

  • Data Visualization Tool for Management

  • CCA-II (Sports)

  • Constitution of India

  • Open Elective-III

  • Open Elective-IV

  • Language-I Functional English

Semester III
  • Object Oriented Programming

  • Object Oriented Programming  Lab

  • Operating System

  • Minor 2 (Management Theory & Practices)

  • Web Technologies

  • CCA-III (Yoga)

  • Open Elective V

  • Language-II Functional Hindi

  • Mini Project using Cloud

Semester IV
  • Data Structures

  • Data Structures – Lab

  • Computer Network

  • Minor 3 (The Art of Leadership)

  • Soft Skills

  • CCA-IV  (Fine Arts)

  • Open Elective VI

  • Language-II Communication Skill

  • Social Immersion

Summer Term - 6-week internship / Training / Project
Semester V
  • Introduction to Cloud Computing and Information Security

  • Introduction to Cloud Computing and Information Security Lab 1

  • Database Management System

  • Database Management System Lab

  • Minor 4 (Business Ethics)

  • Elective 1 – Software Engineering/Introduction to Machine Learning

  • Introduction to Python Programming

  • Project 1

Semester VI
  • Cloud Computing and Information Security -Administration & Deployment

  • Cloud Computing and Information Security - Administration & Deployment Lab

  • Cloud Security

  • Cloud Security Lab

  • Minor 5 (IT Management)

  • Elective 2 - E Commerce / Advance Machine Learning

  • Internship

Students will get a degree with a minor in the Art of Business
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