Mr. Noel Pascal took our session on October 14th with great enthusiasm. His
speech consisted of a series of topics that included purpose, passion,
improvisation, creativity, innovation, and the law of increasing returns. Mr.
Pascal explained that purpose is the foundation for success, passion drives
creativity, improvisation leads to innovation, and increasing returns come from consistent effort and dedication. He also highlighted the importance of taking risks and making mistakes in order to learn and grow. The session on October 14th was like a seed that was sown, and with the right conditions, it will take root and grow into a beautiful, flourishing tree.
He also urged us to find our passion, and in order to do that, we need to review the day. He suggested we ask ourselves three questions, which are:
1. What went well?
2. What went wrong?
3. What can be improved?
These questions are self-analyzed, which makes us think about facts and
evidence. It pushes us to take some action, and in that process, we figure
out which passion drives us. This process helps us identify our goals and
gives us the courage to pursue them. It also helps us to identify our
weaknesses and strengths so that we can use them to our advantage.
Finally, it allows us to learn from our mistakes and become a better
version of ourselves.
Mr. Pascal also answered about 'procrastination'. He said that to avoid
procrastination, we should break down our goals into manageable tasks and
focus on completing one task at a time. We should also set deadlines for
ourselves and reward ourselves for completing tasks. Finally, we should create a plan of action and stick to it.
The session was amazing and realistic. I was able to take away many useful tips that I implemented right away. I have been more productive ever since.